Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Here's a video of a new Mike Mudd tune. He played it for the community we stayed at in Lanas, Costa Rica. They're very friendly and inviting, but maybe the video doesn't show it that well. Of course no one speaks much English there, so they had no idea what he was singing. Too bad the end got cut off, you should have seen the standing ovation he got!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What the @#$% is This?

IMGA0369, originally uploaded by Mudd and Bones.

This is some kind of moth but with that big of a head it could bite couldn't it? Actually that's all a disguise, its eyes are further back on what looks like its neck. We couldn't figure out where it's real mouth even was.
If you know what this is let us know.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Volcan Poas

IMGA0939, originally uploaded by Mudd and Bones.

We've uploaded tons of pictures from our time in Costa Rica and Panama, but it's so remote out here and our internet time is limited that it's only a small portion of how many we've taken.

Mike's been performing a ton in the area, everything from bars in the middle of the campo (countryside) to sidewalks to Barbershops. Last night he performed at Alex's Bar -it's a treehouse bar with vistas of the Costa Rican Alps on two sides.


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