Sunday, January 06, 2008

Siete Semanas -7 Weeks

7 weeks before The Mudds' Central American Adventure begins. 5 chances to hear me play in Portland before I leave. Matt Meighan hooked me up with a couple of shows at Albina Green. ~8pm or so 'till whenever.

I also got some more videos cut and on the web, I think I'll be able to get 8 or 9 total. There have been a few audio difficulties so I'm having to re-upload a couple things, but I'm not complaining, this stuff isn't meant for prime time...

Saturday, January 05, 2008

New Year's House Concert -Mr. Sun

Here's the first of several tunes from my house concert at Mom's on the 1st. -Mr. Sun.

Click the picture to play it.

The show was great fun, and I thank everyone who made it happen.

I managed to get a descent mix with the audio from my little recorder and the a/v that my step-dad George captured. But I've had to work for about 20 hours to work out all the bugs and actually get it online. What a freakin' pain...


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