Monday, February 26, 2007

All I've Got is a Lousy Dime

I've been playing lots of gigs as Recycleman, today was a show with 400 kids... very fun. We're gonna get some new promo material with me in the pictures, that'll be helpful. There's a good chance that I'll have an extra 100 gigs next year.
Hey I'm gonna make a living yet at this music thing...

I'm going to be booking some kind of tour soon, I swear it! I believe I'm going to see what Europe's all about. I hear they are pretty singer-songwriter friendly.

I wrote this tune after I got home this afternoon. I've been playing and listening to old country like Hank Williams and 'mountain music' lately and this one came out pretty quick. I guess it's a Mike Mudd take on Goin' Down the Road Feelin' Bad.

I started using my goats hooves again, if you listen you can hear it in the background.

All I've Got is a Lousy Dime

I wish I had the time to post for every tune I write. I've written several new tunes over the past month or so, but have only had time to write a couple of posts...oh well.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Muddville on the web...

The new home of Mike Mudd on the web is finally online!

Hey now us starving musicians and writers finally have a cheap and easy way to get our material out there to the world. I only wish it was as cheap to get full studio recordings. I mean I may call myself the basement troubadour, but basements and apartment living rooms aren't conducive to great recordings, and I'm tired of trying to make it happen. Though if I say so myself some of the tunes that I'll be putting up on the web sound great.

Here's the music index

Now I just need to work on attracting people to the site (among a million other things).

I've got a live practice recording of Rollin' Away last week, along with a bunch of other tunes -new and otherwise.

I've decided to keep going with -M- ...I'll use the first hundred as a limited release with Samantha's artwork on each cover and continue for an LP instead of just an EP. I'm also going to see if I can get the funding for someone with a lot of experience to do the mastering.

Here's Rollin' Away and Hello -these two will be on the finished LP.
Rollin' Away


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