Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Continuing Saga pt. 1

It's been a damn busy few months. Just got done with "A little Celtic Christmas" with my old Celtic band who now call themselves 'Wild Thyme.' Hey a couple hundred people showed up...not bad. Check out my gig calendar at Hollywood Wine and Espresso should be a good show.

I've also been attending songwriting and business seminars, and writing a heck of a lot of tunes. One in particular that I wrote last week called Rollin' Away has been getting a great response. Nashville producer/publisher/writer Tim Johnson compared it to John Prine. Others compared it to Woodie Guthrie. Hey I couldn't ask to be in better company.

Hey I'm payin' my bills (mostly) performing now! That's pretty exciting. I get to dress up Like a goofy super hero 'Recycleman' and perform a water conservation show -the 'Rockin' Water Road Show' to elementary school kids. I ain't getting rich, but it's a step in the right direction. I took over the show from a great guy named Peter Dubois. Check out the website

I also did what I hope will be the final remix of my EP -M- which I hope to get for sale up on CD Baby soon.


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