Well, I guess this is going to be a good month in terms of journaling what I'm up to. I write an average of 1-2 new tunes a week and I think I've only managed to get 3 recorded in some way in the past several months. And I promised my mom I'd get back to a song that I mentioned to her a couple months ago, but haven't yet. Oh well -too many songs not enough time. And not enough tendons...ouch. Did I mention that the pain in my arms is keeping me off the computer ?
I guess I also hadn't done more than mention that I've taken up the ukulele (that's oo-koo-le-le to Hawaiians). A lot of the old pop tunes I used to play about 10 years ago translate pretty easily, so it's been a lot of fun getting back into that style of music.
I managed to write this song and finish it and play it tonight. It was definitely a crowd pleaser at Artichoke. I love playing for them, it's such a great crowd. I only wish that I had installed the pickup in my Uke better, well maybe I can pretend it's the sound of an old record player...
My Baby Gave Me a Kiss
Kris and I had a lot of fun playing this Robert Johnson tune when he was in town (that's him on vocals).
They're Red Hot
Saturday, September 15, 2007
'My Baby Gave Me a Kiss' Artichoke -Friday Night
2:12 AM
Labels: performance, Songwriting