Jackson was a very cool place, although it was the last night of the tour for me. The trip didn't end up being worth it for me, so I got off in Memphis under somewhat urgent of conditions. The business was supposed to be alright without me being there for a while -which it wasn't, and the cracked rib that I got in Seattle didn't seem to be healing, I pretty much needed to get back ASAP. Luckily my traveler's insurance is supposedly going to pay for the hospital and the plane ride back. But, as Joe pointed out, Memphis hospitals are not the place to be. It took eight hours before I was seen by the doctor, and there were people with head-wounds who bled for at least that long in the waiting room -some homeboy whose eye had been shot or stabbed out, some girl whose head just didn't seem to want to stop bleeding.
So here are some more photos from the part of the tour I was on. Austin was a good time, it was the first of two nights with the same lineup -Dark Skies, Amplified Heat, and Lions. The second was Jackson.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Tour End (for me)
2:32 PM