Tonight: 沉默之音 Chen Mo -Legacy, Taipei -Golden Melody Awards Nominees Party (private, but call me I'll get you in!)
Listen to my radio interview Part 1 and Part 2: 'Sunny FM' 89.1 Taichung 9:00pm (6:00am U.S. Western)
Sunny Radio Interview Mike Mudd 1028PM1031AM(五)-1 by mikemudd
Sunny Radio Interview Mike Mudd1028PM1031AM(五)-2 by mikemudd
Friday, October 28, 2011
Taiwan Grammy Awards Party and Radio Interview
2:03 AM
Monday, October 24, 2011
1st Place Award!
I won 1st place! I don't get nervous performing anymore, but I was so nervous before this performance... So strange. I felt more nervous than when I did performing for over 50,000 people. I guess it's because I knew that my poor Chinese ability was on display for everyone to here. Now I have the money for a plane trip to the states next year!
6:07 AM
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Underground -New Original Song
New original song. Written Oct. 21st. Recorded Oct. 22nd. 新的原創歌曲。書面10月21 It's been compared to Modest Mouse, but it's all Mudd!
Underground by mikemudd
The lyrics:
I can't walk
can't move my feet
I can't see
open eyes
it's still dark
in my dreams
I can't sleep
I can't stop
can't hold it off
I can't even hold it down
I'm not lost
I'm just not found
I can't breathe
I'm underground
I can't talk
nothin' to say
my lips move
the words fall out
my tongue too
just a little bit too late
you're not wrong
and I'm not right
there's not peace
just no will to fight
It's okay
your eyes are paying your way
I can't leave
but in my mind
I'm still gone
you're with me
in my song
we laugh as everything falls apart
2:22 AM
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Mike Sings in Chinese!
Yesterday I sang in a contest for foreigners singing a Taiwanese song. It was a lot of fun, but I didn't realize that I could accompany myself until an hour before so I hadn't practiced with the uke. Still, I made it to the final round! Maybe I'll win the $2,000!
2:52 AM
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Chen Mo at ESLite Bookstore -Pro Environment Rock Tour
We're participating in 'Rock the Environment' tour, with performances and panel discussions about the environment. This particular event ended up being more about the current environment in our musical hometown of Taichung where almost every club was closed down by the government after a fatal fire at a pub called Ala.
3:38 AM
Saturday, October 08, 2011
Taipei Village Cafe with 88 Balaz and Celluloid! What a Party!
Always a great time at the Village Cafe! Tonight was amazing as usual. Our great friends 88 Balaz (88 guava seeds) were there -one of my favorite Taiwan bands. The video is a tune that Xiao Yi wrote in Taiwanese (closer to Cantonese than Mandarin).
Chen Mo 沉默之音 with 88 Balaz.
3:26 AM
Friday, October 07, 2011
Taiwan 'Grammy' Awards Nomination! Chen Mo 沉默之音
We've been nominated for Taiwan's biggest music awards in the Best New Band category! It's only because we rock... ROCK I TELL YA!!! The English name is the Golden Indie Music Awards.
3:17 AM
Monday, October 03, 2011
In The Dark -New Original Tune
In keeping with my trend of writing songs in almost every genre, here's a triphop tune about succumbing to temptation. In the dark -10-1-2011 by mikemudd
Seduction, temptation, blood and perfume.
6:27 AM