Saturday, June 25, 2011
Happy birthday Fubar! And unfortunately closure.
9:17 AM
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Opera in the Market!
I'm not much of an opera fan, but isn't this what we need more of in the world?! Random Acts of Culture.
9:12 AM
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Tin Pan Alley -Tainan, Taiwan
Great outdoor space in Tainan! Great friends too: Rock Starky, Landis Shook, and Steven Vigar.
8:07 AM
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Camping on Taiwan's East Coast
Lots of fun camping with friends on the east coast! In Taiwan you find yourself making friends with people from all over the world! South Africans, Americans, Canadians, French, Taiwanese of course... you just never know who you'll find yourself with!
9:53 AM
Friday, June 03, 2011
PJs Cafe Friday Nights Cancelled Indefinitely... Thanks city of Taichung.
Well, Friday nights with Mike Mudd are cancelled until we can be sure that PJs isn't going to get shut down for having live music. I've been asking PJ if we should still be doing it with all the closures happening around town, but until today he figured we were still operating under the radar.
Honestly, it does seem like after the initial closures, they are just going after anyone who hosts any kind of live entertainment. The past few weeks I've been getting nervous having to drop the guitar if a cop goes by, wondering if they're going to come in and bust the place. It feels like we're a bunch of kids up to no good, when we're just trying to enjoy a night out. Well, PJ finally got nervous enough to call it quits for a while. We'll see how things go over the next few weeks and months...
8:37 AM
Willie Bones the Swordfighter!
So, while in The States visiting family, my boy, the fabulous Willie Bones is learning to swordfight and taking part in a 'Society of Creative Anachronisms' type of group. Turns out he's pretty good at it!
8:23 AM