This is the campesino version of a wi-fi cafe, a one room schoolhouse in the jungle...
It's been a very busy couple of weeks. We've been working, brewing, and have done a bit of traveling as well. We had our first English class at the school, which went well, now they want us to teach at both the primary and secondary schools.
Our good friend Brent came to visit, which was totally awesome...... good times!
We have a ton of pictures and a couple of videos, I hope I can get it all posted today, we'll see...
When we went to Alajuela to pic up Brent we ran into our friend (Adian) who we met back in April at an art festival. He's an amazing artist from Cuba as well as a really friendly, cool guy. We went to his apartment to see his art collection. It was very impressive. Here are a few pics, there are tons more.....We can't fit them all on here.
We had a great time with Brent while he was here..... We hung out at the farm for a few days and then headed off to the beach, Manual Antonio. We decided to combine our anniversary (which was Nov 11) and scouting for music venues for Mike with the trip, justifying the expense of the travel and leaving Willie behind (he'll get a chance to go when his grandparents visit) . It was absolutely beautiful!
Mike had an impromptu jam session at the Bueno Nota with Jonathan, a very talented musician. Eventually we'll post a video (right now we're having technical difficulties with our video compressor).
On our second day we took a walk in the national park. We saw two kinds of monkeys, a sloth, a raccoon, and some Agouti.
Last night Jose Conde, a talented musician from Cuba, came by for dinner. He, Mike, and Josh joined in on a jam session in the studio. Here are some audio tracks......
We're still working on various projects at the farm. To see more detail of the projects that have happened over the last couple of weeks at the farm check out our sister blog at
Until next time....
Friday, November 28, 2008
Good Times
6:45 AM
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Back in Paradise
Well it's been a while since we've posted anything here. We'd gotten pretty wound up in various projects and work to get back to Costa Rica. In addition to the things we wanted to get going to help the folks down in Lanas we were doing whatever we could to scrape up the cash to get here. Mike did lots of gigs, I got my TEFL certificate to teach English, we worked at OMSI bubble wrapping dinosaur bones and putting up exhibits. In addition to that we did everything from taste tests to TV shows (we went on Family Court with Judge Penny) to avoid getting “real” jobs (working for the man).
Mike had another awesome going away show at Artichoke on October 30th. You can never go wrong with good music and good company!
And now we're back in paradise..... We left on election night in a flurry of good vibes due to the fact that the US won't have four more years of rule by the organized criminals (we hope). It's nice not being embarrassed to be an American when we travel out of the country. But I think it's important that we not get lazy and assume that the democrats are going to do better.
Anyway, here we are.....back in paradise and loving it, bugs, rain, and all. So far we've been working mostly on construction projects. We are starting a new blog that is specific to the project that are happening here at the farm. Our goal is to document every day, we'll see how that gos..... Check it out and subscribe! Here's a link...
Here is Homar giving Mike a haircut....
These are our rooms, they are new since we were here last.....
Pura Vida!
11:41 AM